İrfan Öztürk
Pages: 118-128
Published: 13 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/AF1996286105
Views: 367
Downloads: 58
Abstract: Biomass in barley is one physiological parameter associated with grain yield and quality in barley genotypes. In the present study, there were various relations between NDVI and parameters investigated barley genotype. This research was carried out in the Trakia region over four environments during the 2018-2019 cycles. The experiment was set up with 25 barley genotypes in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. In the study, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), grain yield (GY), plant height (PH), days of heading (DH), 1000-kernel weight (TKW), test weight (TW) and protein ratio (PRT) were investigated. The results of the variance analysis (ANOVA) for NDVI are presented in Table 1. The combined ANOVA revealed a significant difference in E2 and E4 locations between genotypes in the Z34 period. In the Z55 period, there was a significant difference between genotypes in E1, E2 and E3 locations. Pearson’s correlation analysis determined correlation coefficients between NDVI and the parameters tested. Over four environments, NDVI was made in barley genotypes in the Z34 and Z55 periods. NDVI in the Z34 period was slightly positively related to grain yield in E1 and E4. NDVI also had a positive effect on thousand-grain weight in three (E1, E3, E4) environments, on test weight in E1 (r=0.583**) and E4 (r=0.679**). NDVI had a positive effect on protein ratio in genotypes over four environments. The positive effect of NDVI on grain yield in the heading period (Z55) showed the importance of the relationship between yield and NDVI value. Normalized difference vegetation index had a positive effect on TKW in three environments (E2, E3 and E4), to TW in 4 environments during the Z55 period. In the study, a slightly different relationship was determined between NDVI and protein value in the Z55 period. The positive effect of NDVI on yield and quality values has shown that it is an important physiological parameter that can be used in selection. It is recommended that the increased biomass genotypes identified could be used as parents in a breeding programme to produce genotypes with a higher yield.
Keywords: barley, normalised vegetative difference ındex, genotypes, yield, quality, correlations
Cite this article: İrfan Öztürk. BIOMASS IN BARLEY GENOTYPES (HORDEUM VULGARE L.) AND ASSOCIATION WITH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS UNDER RAINFED CONDITIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 11, 118-128 (2023).
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