Renata Nováková, Renata Skýpalová, Zdeněk Málek, Radka Šperková
Pages: 1-8
Published: 3 Nov 2024
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996473259
Views: 132
Downloads: 33
Abstract: The heart of every organization is corporate culture. Like this important organ of the human body, corporate culture can be strong, weak, and show signs of malfunctioning. If a person's heart fails, his life ends, if a company's corporate culture fails, its entire functioning within the competitive environment is threatened. A strong corporate culture is usually identified by the mission, values, motivation and loyalty of employees and customers. A weak corporate culture manifests itself in low morale, increased turnover, insufficient innovation, talent loss and a bad reputation. The content of our contribution will be how corporate culture can positively and negatively influence the functioning of the organization and what all can have an impact on these facts. Changes in the business environment are associated with changes in the setting and priorities of corporate cultures. Currently, completely new and specifically focused corporate cultures are emerging that are innovative and progressive.
Keywords: corporate culture, company´s position, employees and customers, strong identity
Cite this article: Renata Nováková, Renata Skýpalová, Zdeněk Málek, Radka Šperková. THE INFLUENCE OF A STRONG CORPORATE CULTURE ON THE COMPANY´S POSITION IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 18, 1-8 (2024).
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