Silvia T. Trifonova
Pages: 64-88 Published: 3 Nov 2024
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996483214 Views: 88
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the most recent news and modern prospects for the development of the settlement process of banks. An analysis of the payment and securities settlement systems was made, and on this basis the tendency of the European financial markets to switch to a one business day settlement cycle (T+1) was highlighted. Europe is currently going through a lengthy legislative process to speed up its complex financial market infrastructure. European financial markets are believed to be ready to follow the example of the US and switch to one-day settlement in the medium term. T+1 settlement cycle marks the start of a global race to shorten the time it takes for trades to clear, which will not stop at T+1.
Keywords: settlement, settlement cycle, european payment and securities settlement systems, european central bank
Cite this article: Silvia T. Trifonova. PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SETTLEMENT PROCESS OF BANKS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 18, 64-88 (2024).
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