Magdaléna Přívarová
Pages: 89-96
Published: 3 Nov 2024
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996485205
Views: 89
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Abstract: Migration policies have become more complex and diversified in recent decades, using different programs and instruments in most EU countries. This innovation process aims to adaptation of responding to new challenges. These challenges also involve a sharp increase in the share of highly skilled migrants in migration flows. In addition to various non-economic factors stimulating the emigration intentions of qualified workers or university students, current research on the migration of highly qualified labor forces focuses on questioning the validity of the brain drain theory in the current stage of globalization and ICT development. A significant part of migration flows is only temporary in nature, which can be perceived as brain circulation, not as brain drain. Migration policies in EU countries should respond to this fact. The paper outlines the genesis of the circular migration concept. It also pays attention it is not necessary only to introduce mechanisms that ensure the circulating nature of the migration stay, but also to constantly innovate them. It also outlines strategies for modern migration policies that will enable the full usage of the potential of highly skilled migrants.
Keywords: circular migration, highly skilled labor, migration policies, globalization, ict
Cite this article: Magdaléna Přívarová. CIRCULAR MIGRATION OF HIGHLY SKILLED LABOR IN EU COUNTRIES AND ITS IMPACT ON MIGRATION POLICIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 18, 89-96 (2024).
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