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Agriculture & Food 2025, 13th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Agriculture & Food, Volume 2, 2014

Valon Y. Durguti, Petya V. Stefanova, Angel I. Angelov
Pagini: 411-416
Publicat: 1 Jun 2014
Vizualizări: 3,702
Descărcări: 1,016
Rezumat: Through the use of the analytical method known as HPLC-FD and previously used the method for extraction of ochratoxin A by immunoaffinity columns, we have analyzed 25 samples of 2013 newly fermented wine, which have just finished alcoholic fermentation process, 11 of which have been analyzed from different regions of Italy and 14 other samples from two regions of Kosovo. From the total number of samples, 24 samples were red wine and only one was white wine. The results of all analyzed samples have been below the limit allowed by the EU for ochratoxin A i.e. 2 ng/ml.
Cuvinte cheie: wine, ochratoxin a, hplc-fd, immunoaffinity column, myxotocin
Citează acest articol: Valon Y. Durguti, Petya V. Stefanova, Angel I. Angelov. QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF OCHRATOXIN A IN WINE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 411-416 (2014).
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