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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 12, 2014

Elena Okladnikova
Pagini: 1-7
Publicat: 4 Sep 2014
Vizualizări: 3,387
Descărcări: 877
Rezumat: Sociological studies reveal demographic, educational, conflict and communication problems caused by the intensification of migration processes as a result of globalization (Castles et al. 1996; Massey et al., 1998; Юдина, 2004). Migration processes are currently providing persistent transformational impact on the demographics and education practices in modern Russia, putting on the agenda the questions about the limits of ethnic tolerance. Reforms (2003-2014) in education caused great damage to the national security system, because as the practice of life shows, the “spirit and the letter” of education in Russia is constantly adapt to the challenges of “real politic”. Our recent research has shown that it is difficult to overestimate the role of education as a backbone factor could play in the integration of modern Russian society, if the impact of the reforms.
Cuvinte cheie: education, demography, migration processes, ethnic tolerance, the transformation of the modern russian society
Citează acest articol: Elena Okladnikova. EDUCATION IN MODERN DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION IN RUSSIA: MIGRATION ASPECT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1-7 (2014).
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