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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 12, 2014

Jana Bérešová
Pagini: 828-835
Publicat: 4 Sep 2014
Vizualizări: 2,776
Descărcări: 740
Rezumat: The submitted paper focuses on the English for Academic Purposes course, developed within a university e-learning project as an online course. The course, based on the needs of the English Major students (writing up a thesis in English and defending it orally), was expected to support developing academic skills, language, critical thinking and autonomy. The paper discusses the data gathered from the students´ responses to the questionnaires before and after the piloting phase of the project. The conclusions related to the effectiveness of such a course on the development of communicative skills in English required for study purposes in formal education systems will be analyzed and discussed in the end.
Cuvinte cheie: english for academic purposes (eap), learner autonomy, cultural awareness, authenticity, communicative competence
Citează acest articol: Jana Bérešová. USING E-LEARNING IN THE ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES COURSE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 828-835 (2014).
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