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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 14, 2016

Naďa Krivoňáková
Pagini: 326-335
Publicat: 25 Sep 2016
Vizualizări: 1,947
Descărcări: 517
Rezumat: Nowadays e-learning becomes more used in university education. Well-prepared e-course has an important position in students‘ preparation. It helps the students to master and strengthen their knowledge actively so that they are able to apply the knowledge suitably in further learning process, scientific activities or in practical life. In this paper we deal with e-courses already created by us and used by our students. We focus mostly on e-course „Proseminar from mathematics” designated to technical university students as well as on e-course „Logic” designated to humanities oriented students. In the paper we evaluate effectiveness and applicability of their utilization for students of both scientific orientations.
Cuvinte cheie: e-learning, e-course, education, evaluation, logic, mathematics
Citează acest articol: Naďa Krivoňáková. EVALUATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF E-COURSE “PROSEMINAR FROM MATHEMATICS” AND E-COURSE “LOGIC”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 326-335 (2016).
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