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Materials, Methods & Technologies 2025, 27th International Conference
14-17 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Materials, Methods & Technologies, Volume 16, 2022

Alexander N. Sychev
Pagini: 225-232
Publicat: 16 Nov 2022
Vizualizări: 405
Descărcări: 60
Rezumat: In the synthesis of the hyperneuron module, lies the mathematical idea of a tangent bundle in the space of a logical function definition. The base of the tangent bundle and the input affine transformations of the neuron are determined on the basis of Walsh spectral representations. The example of synthesis for a randomly given logical function of 6 variables is presented.
Cuvinte cheie: tangent bundle, neuron, walsh spectral representations
Citează acest articol: Alexander N. Sychev. HYPERNEURONS. SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS OF NEUROSTRUCTURE MODULES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 225-232 (2022).
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