Dai-chyi Wang
Pages: 387-394
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,508
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Abstract: In Taiwan, farmers traded with grain buyers on the basis of wet paddy, and evaluate on dried rice. The conversion factor between newly harvested wet paddy and dried grain from dryer is defined as dried yield rate (DYR). The difference between raw paddy and dried rice concluded moisture and foreign materials. The current prediction model which is based on the linear relationship between DYR and moisture content (M.C.) results mean estimated error 3.83% and standard deviation 5.03%. This study brings up a new model to predict DYR with kernel husk ratio (KHR). With the weight relationship between rice kernel and rice hull in plump rice of various MC, DYR of newly harvested paddy rice will be more precisely evaluated by measuring brown rice weight and sample MC. The procedure of deriving the KHR function was developed upon 66 batch of Japonica rice. Verifying the DYR of wet paddy predicted by using the KHR with the with the experiment data, the average estimated error is 3.26% and standard deviation is 2.02 %.
Keywords: kernel-husk ratio, dry yield rate, paddy quality, rice drying, wet rice trading standard
Cite this article: Dai-chyi Wang. A NEW PREDICTING MODEL FOR THE DRIED YIELD RATE OF WET PADDY: USING THE KERNEL HUSK RATIO. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 387-394 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000051/
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