Mitko M. Petrov, Tatiana S. Ilkova
Pages: 3-13
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 3,267
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Abstract: Mathematical models in different mixing conditions (impulse and vibromixing) in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae batch cultivation are presented in this work. Six models were investigated for the following specific grown rate: Monod, Aiba, Andrews, Haldane, Luong, and Edward. For the parameter identification, we considered the worst observed error for all experiments as an objective function. This approach is a special case of multi objective parameter estimation problems so that the parameter estimation problem becomes a min–max problem. The obtained results (correlation quotients, Fisher function, relative error and statisticsλ) show all models for the specific grown rates are adequate and they can be used for modelling of the specific grown rate for the different mixing systems. However, the best statistical indicators Luong have for the model for impulse mixing and Haldane model for the vibromixing, and they will be used in a model the process of mixing the two systems.
Keywords: specific grown rate, different mixing systems, min–max problem, modelling
Cite this article: Mitko M. Petrov, Tatiana S. Ilkova. MODELING OF BATCH CULTIVATION OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE USING DIFFERENT MIXING SYSTEMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 3-13 (2014).
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