Jana Bérešová
Pages: 167-174
Published: 25 Aug 2014
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Abstract: The paper explores research based on the contrastive analysis of two different sources of authentic materials related to cultural aspects and language acquisition: one from fiction and one from non-fiction sources. The hypothesis - based on the assumption that a literary text is more appealing and motivating for learners (an experimental group) than non-fictional authentic materials (a control group), and therefore learners' cultural awareness and language acquisition will be more significant than those of the control group learners - is discussed in the paper. Literary materials as effective teaching materials for providing cultural and linguistic input will be analyzed and compared with authentic non-fiction materials. Practical recommendations for language teachers will be provided in the conclusion.
Keywords: cultural awareness, authenticity, communicative competence, action research
Cite this article: Jana Bérešová. LITERARY TEXTS AS A SOURCE OF CULTURAL AWARENESS AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 167-174 (2014).
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