Nina K. Gorshunova, Nikolai V. Medvedev, Olyesya V. Razdorskaya
Pages: 607-614
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,866
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Abstract: Modern professional education presupposes the formation of the competences of a future competitive specialist capable of self-development and self-education. The development of creative thinking, creative abilities and creative potential of a student’s personality provides the achieving of these aims. Creative organization of the pedagogical process presupposes the inculcation of individual management of the creative process, the formation of psychological and intellectual independence of students, the development of skills of processing different kinds of information to the educational environment. The process of formation of creative thinking provides the transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation, the discovery of a new problem in a standard situation, alternatives in problem solving, combination and transformation of the well-known methods of action in the new environment. A creative teacher performs diagnostic, prognostic, structural, organizational, communication, research, analytical, social and political functions in his professional activity. He successfully uses innovative pedagogical technologies: trainings, educational consulting, modern techniques of creative thinking such as brainstorming, role-playing and simulation games, case technologies.
Keywords: creativity, creative potential, innovative educational technologies, trainings, educational games, case studies
Cite this article: Nina K. Gorshunova, Nikolai V. Medvedev, Olyesya V. Razdorskaya. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER'S CREATIVITY FOR INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 607-614 (2014).
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