Janis Ratnieks, Andris Jakovics, Reviks Vardanjans, Aigars Laizans, Davids Vardanjans
Pages: 279-290
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,928
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Abstract: A new method for biogas heating, cooling and drying has been developed. The method is based on two channel counter flow where recuperation happens. Biogas cooling is done with the dried colder flow to get the gas below the dew point temperature and allow it to condensate, but heating is done with humid hot gas flow from bioreactor. The system is being tested both experimentally and numerically by mathematical modelling. A previously developed 1D model has been implemented in MATLAB and calculations made for experimental setup. The results are also compared to 3D model made with ANSYS/CFX software.
Keywords: experimental verification, mathematical modelling, counter flow, bioreactor
Cite this article: Janis Ratnieks, Andris Jakovics, Reviks Vardanjans, Aigars Laizans, Davids Vardanjans. ENERGY EFFICIENT METHOD FOR ENERGY RECOVERY FROM BIOGAS PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 279-290 (2015).
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