Piotr Dniestrzański, Janusz Łyko
Pages: 118-126
Published: 21 Aug 2015
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Abstract: There are several well known measures of the inequality of distribution of goods and burdens. One of them is for example the Gini coefficient. Applicability of such measures is limited when the use of disproportionate allocation was intended. This is the case in the allocation of seats in the European Parliament. The Treaty of Lisbon provides that the distribution is done according to degressive proportionality with the specified minimum and maximum number of seats allocated to the smallest and largest Member State. These two conditions called boundary conditions at the outset determine the deviation from the proportional division. Therefore, there arises a problem of determining the measure of the disproportion of allocation under the given boundary conditions. This article comprises the proposals for such measures and their application for the analysis of the distribution of seats in the European Parliament.
Keywords: degressive proportionality, measure of degression, the boundary conditions, gini coefficient
Cite this article: Piotr Dniestrzański, Janusz Łyko. THE DISPROPORTION OF ALLOCATION UNDER THE GIVEN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 118-126 (2015).
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