İzlem Gözükara Yıldız, Nurdan Çolakoğlu
Pages: 203-209
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,757
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Abstract: Entrepreneurial intention is the precursor of entrepreneurial activities. It is an intellectual state which is considered the most significant construct to predict entrepreneurial behaviors. Individuals’ entrepreneurial intentions are determined by multiple factors. As one of these factors, entrepreneurship education has many potential consequences or benefits since the role of education individuals receive and the transferable abilities they gain during their higher education are highly important for building certain characteristics that are usually attributed to entrepreneurial behaviors. Therefore, the present study aims to compare entrepreneurial intentions of vocational school and undergraduate students receiving entrepreneurship education in a foundation university. The study data was collected using questionnaires. The results of the study demonstrated that the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students who take entrepreneurship courses is higher compared to vocational school students. Additionally, 58.6% of vocational school and undergraduate students who take entrepreneurship courses believe that these courses lead them to entrepreneurship.
Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, educational background, entrepreneurship education
Cite this article: İzlem Gözükara Yıldız, Nurdan Çolakoğlu. A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS WITH ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 203-209 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000859/
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