Krasimira Kovachka, Tihomira Zlatanova, Desislava Lyubenova
Pages: 594-600
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,644
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Abstract: A major problem in the world and in Bulgaria is the organization and structure of health care and funding of hospitals. Hospital care takes about 20% of the turnover of the population for medical care while consuming over 70% of healthcare costs. The aim of our study was based on an analysis of indicators of hospital utilization and economic performance of the Hospital for Active Treatment of Samokov for the period 2007 -2013 year to bring out the existing trends. The data show increases in the cost of various hospital units product - passed sick bed days, the medicines. The reasons for this are: general inflationary processes specific medical inflation purchased medicines and supplies, the increased maintenance costs of hospital activity. However, there is an effort by management to reduce unnecessary costs and to optimize economic performance.
Keywords: efficiency, economic indicators, revenues, costs, financial results
Cite this article: Krasimira Kovachka, Tihomira Zlatanova, Desislava Lyubenova. ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 594-600 (2015).
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