David Lynch, Jake Madden
Pages: 116-129
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 3,551
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Abstract: This article explores a whole of school strategy for improving the teaching performance of a school by focusing on the logistics of a pilot school improvement project. The central premise of this reporting and of this article more specifically is a focus on the work of the teacher through a coordinated mechanism of ‘leadership’ and ‘data driven decision making’ which are consolidated into a ‘coaching, mentoring and feedback’ regime for teaching improvement effect. This mechanism is referred to as the Talent Management Platform for Teaching (TMPT).
Keywords: coaching, mentoring, feedback, teaching, school improvement
Cite this article: David Lynch, Jake Madden. COACHING, MENTORING AND FEEDBACK: THE ‘HOW TO’ IN A SCHOOLING CONTEXT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 116-129 (2015).
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