Andrea Klimková
Pages: 205-212
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,950
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Abstract: Teachers and scientists have long been interested in ecological and eco-ethical attitudes and their connection to behaviour. A pilot survey carried out among the university students of applied ethics shows that environmental cognition (cognitive aspects of attitudes) and sensitivity of secondary school graduates do not correlate with their interest in environmental problems and nature-centred behaviour. Theoretical framework of the ethics of care (EoC) is introduced here as a new and concrete eco-ethical approach to the development of ecological consciousness, nature-centeredness and active citizenship. The aim of this study is to justify the place of this approach in pregradual training of ethics teachers, i.e. the education towards nature-centeredness based on the ethics of care.
Keywords: eco-ethical attitudes, ethics of care, nature-centeredness; ethics, environmental education, ethics teacher
Cite this article: Andrea Klimková. THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF ETHICS OF CARE FOR THE ETHICS TEACHER. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 205-212 (2015).
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