Jana Petrů, Jana Poláčková, Daniela Marušáková, Jiří Kubásek
Pages: 51-57
Published: 1 Jul 2016
Views: 2,665
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Abstract: Carbon dioxide produced by human activities is one of the major contributors to the greenhouse effect. A way to reduce air pollution could be CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage Technology. Some of the CCS technologies require high operating temperatures (up to 900°C) that mean higher demands on corrosion resistance and other properties of selected construction materials. The main target of this study is to describe an experimental device simulating the CCS environment for construction materials testing and the study of high-temperature corrosion processes in gaseous environments.
Keywords: ccs technology, corrosion, heat resistant materials
Cite this article: Jana Petrů, Jana Poláčková, Daniela Marušáková, Jiří Kubásek. MATERIALS FOR CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 51-57 (2016).
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