Fei He
Pages: 77-83
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,055
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Abstract: Corporate boards are since years dominated by male members. However, given the rising risks and lesson learned from monopoly corporate boards and also lack of talents due to aging society, how to get more female talents on the board is becoming an important part of corporate strategies of all industry. Among all kinds of methods, legislative gender quotas introduced firstly by Norway has been adopted by several European countries. Despite arguments, Germany has joined this gender quota camp at corporate board level from 2016. This paper intends to unfold the gender quota decision of Germany and illustrate the possible outlook of board gender quota in Germany through Europe-wide comparative analysis in selected countries.
Keywords: gender quota, corporate board, woman board director, gender quota legislation, germany
Cite this article: Fei He. GENDER QUOTA ON BOARDS IN GERMANY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 77-83 (2016).
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