Janusz Łyko, Arkadiusz Maciuk
Pages: 411-416
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 1,983
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Abstract: Under the Lisbon Treaty, the distribution of mandates to the European Parliament should satisfy the condition of degressive proportionality. A proposition of such distributions, known as the Cambridge Compromise, assumes a proportional adjustment of an initial, degressively proportional, base distribution. First, a fixed base number of seats is allocated, and then the actual solution is determined by the divisor method, adding to the base a number of seats that results from the proportional allocation subject to rounding up. The paper presents some modifications of this idea as regards the choice of a base and its proportional adjustment.
Keywords: degressive proportionality, fair division, european parliament, voting
Cite this article: Janusz Łyko, Arkadiusz Maciuk. BASES OF DEGRESSIVELY PROPORTIONAL DISTRIBUTIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 411-416 (2016).
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