Aleksandra Szulczewska-Remi, Zenon Foltynowicz
Pages: 117-124
Published: 22 Sep 2016
Views: 1,934
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Abstract: Many universities are expanding their educational curricula and programs to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. According to data on the key trends, specialization and contents, broken down by areas of education in social sciences, one of the key identified directions is the commercialization of innovation. Therefore, the paper presents the new fields of study, like such as design thinking, value proposition and business model creation, intellectual property protection of products and innovative technologies, sources for financing innovation as well as the TOP500 innovators project successfully implemented in Poland. Thus complements discussion about educating the next generation of innovators.
Keywords: innovation, knowledge commercialization, education
Cite this article: Aleksandra Szulczewska-Remi, Zenon Foltynowicz. EDUCATION FOR INNOVATIONS AND THEIR COMMERCIALIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 117-124 (2016).
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