Yuanyuan Liu
Pages: 139-145
Published: 22 Sep 2016
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Abstract: As the concept and application of big data and big data analytics are accepted by many sectors, the globalization of higher education is being greatly influence by them. This study aims at presenting concepts related to big data and big data analytics as well as their applications, and the impact of big data analytics on the globalization of higher education from strategic managerial, human capital, and data security and privacy perspectives. This study is to fill the research gap between big data analytics and the globalization of higher education. Although there are studies connecting big data analytics and higher education, yet this one specifically concerns the globalization of higher education.
Keywords: big data, big data analytics, globalization, higher education
Cite this article: Yuanyuan Liu. THE IMPACT OF BIG DATA ANALYTICS ON THE GLOBALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 139-145 (2016).
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