Chen-Yao Kao
Pages: 162-169
Published: 22 Sep 2016
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Abstract: Forming conceptual combination plays an important role in human thinking. Many creativity theories (e.g., Mednick’s associative theory, Koestler’s bisociation, and Rothenberg’s Janusian thinking) and creative thinking skills (e.g., morphological synthesis and synectics) are in essence conceptual combination. Janusain thinking, the main issue of this article, is defined as a creative process that actively conceives two opposite concepts simultaneously. A creative thinking skill, which is built on the theory of Janusian thinking and called the Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activity (TSJTT), is presented in this article. Through providing scaffolding, this activity helps students advance step by step to attain the ultimate goal of independent creation. Hopefully, this article can make some contributions to education in creativity.
Keywords: conceptual combination, creative thinking skills, antonym, janusian thinking
Cite this article: Chen-Yao Kao. APPLICATION OF COMBINING ANTONYMOUS CONCEPTS IN A CREATIVE THINKING SKILL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 162-169 (2016).
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