Martha Vandoulaki, Stefanos Karageorgiou, Hector Katsikis, Pericles Akrivos
Pages: 199-210
Published: 22 Sep 2016
Views: 1,981
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Abstract: The response of the Greek high-school students to the ever-changing educational program and especially their chemistry curriculum involves the adoption of the "memorize or reject" attitude rather than the assimilation of facts and laws into their scientific background. Two recent studies carried out during school years 2010-11 and 2013-14 by means of questionnaires distributed to class B and C senior high-school students in a number of Northern Greece high-schools, accidentally fell on either side of the latest modification of the Chemistry curriculum. The comparison of the overall results reveals the minimal effect of the above change on the chemical background of the students whose main purpose is to prepare adequately for the entrance examinations to University courses. The observation lies in accordance to several studies over the last four decades.
Keywords: educational system, chemistry curriculum, senior high-school, greek students
Cite this article: Martha Vandoulaki, Stefanos Karageorgiou, Hector Katsikis, Pericles Akrivos. PROMETHEAN RESPONSE OF GREEK HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS TO THE PROTEAN CHANGES OF THE CHEMISTRY CURRICULUM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 199-210 (2016).
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