Zydi Teqja, Samuel F. Dennis Jr
Pages: 530-542
Published: 27 Sep 2016
Views: 1,780
Downloads: 293
Abstract: Landscape architecture is a new discipline. It was significantly present in Western European university education programs just after World War2. A new wave of Landscape architecture programs was verified during ’90 in former “Eastern Europe” and some other countries like Spain, Island and Austria. The European Landscape Convention gave new stimulus to these developments. More than 200 Landscape architecture programs around world are analyzed in this study. The history of Landscape architecture programs shows that the approaches to this discipline are very diverse. While in some countries the roots of landscape architecture go back to horticulture, in other countries it is grown out of ecology and environmental sciences and moreover from architecture and planning. Albania still doesn’t have an accredited program for landscape architecture. The aim of this paper is to propose a Landscape architecture curriculum for Albania based on international experience and the actual situation of the country.
Keywords: landscape architecture, curriculum, horticulture, architecture
Cite this article: Zydi Teqja, Samuel F. Dennis Jr. A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PROGRAM FOR ALBANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 530-542 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001321/
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