Liuba Botezatu
Pages: 563-582
Published: 28 Sep 2016
Views: 2,332
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Abstract: The functions of the Evidence Methodology of Axiological Completions/MECA are those related to the implementation (translation into life) of the ten possibilities/requirements of Graciousness, as a Principle of Global Axiology [8, p.353-355]: the possibility of returning to the essence; the possibility of creative re-consignment of the self; the ability of continuous training; the possibility of option; the possibility of self-regulation; the ability to connect to a common ideal of life; the ability of ascension through spirituality; the possibility of personality resignation as a global social value; the capacity of re-consigning the PAG/General Axiological Principle – Global Axiological Space of human completion; possibility of evidence of axiological completions. Passed through the chain of anthropological structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss, regarding the categories of strict logics and free logics, built on assertions generating structural-symbolic models, we focus here on the imperatives of the agenda: How do we interpret the right operation of our entity constitution/reconstitution on the value table of the world? Why and to what extent does the Structural Theory of Levi-Strauss, that earlier proved its full effectiveness in the study of fixed social forms, today faced with the complex reality of life, of society in full composition, and becomes insufficient?
Keywords: evidence methodology of axiological completions, inner sovereign principle, principle of global axiology
Cite this article: Liuba Botezatu. THE EVIDENCE THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF AXIOLOGICAL COMPLETIONS IN THE PHILOSOPHY AND AXIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 563-582 (2016).
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