Panagiotis Kandylis, Maria Kanellaki
Pages: 246-254
Published: 1 Jun 2017
Views: 2,054
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Abstract: Lignocellulose is the most abundant renewable biomass, however pretreatment is needed prior its utilization. In the present study the effect of dilute alkaline pretreatment on corn leaves structure was investigated. Different concentrations of NaOH solution and different pretreatment times were used for the treatment of corn leaves. Porosimetry was performed to investigate the effect of dilute alkaline pretreatment on specific surface area, pore volume and pore diameter. The results showed that low NaOH loading (5 and 10 g L-1, either for 1 or 3 h) gave the highest surface area and pore volume. These results are important and very promising for potential enzymatic hydrolysis of the biomass, improving the accessibility of enzymes to cellulose.
Keywords: corn, alkaline pretreatment, porosimetry, hydrolysis, surface area
Cite this article: Panagiotis Kandylis, Maria Kanellaki. EFFECT OF ALKALINE PRETREATMENT ON CORN LEAVES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 246-254 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001371/
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