Çiğdem Özkan, Onur Yılmaz, Hasan Özgünay, Catalina Yılmaz, Hüseyin Karavana, Ali Yorgancıoğlu
Pages: 274-286
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,756
Downloads: 420
Abstract: Alkoxysilane bearing polymers are hybrid compounds that combine the functionality of a reactive group and the inorganic functionality within an organic macromolecule. However, it may be a challenge to prepare copolymers of vinyl silane monomers due to their low reactivity ratios. Present study describes the synthesis of block copolymers of vinyltriethoxy silane (VTES) with various water soluble acrylic polymers (PAA, PMAA, PAAm) using RAFT polymerization technique with different approaches. The polymerization conditions, control on the molecular weights as well as the characterization of obtained block copolymers were discussed in detailed. The FTIR, H-NMR, GPC and DSC analyses verified the presence of VTES segments on block copolymer structure. It was concluded that PMAA-b-PVTES and PAA-b-PVTES diblock copolymers can be synthesized successfully under appropriate reaction conditions.
Keywords: raft, alkoxysilane, acrylic polymers, block copolymer, vtes
Cite this article: Çiğdem Özkan, Onur Yılmaz, Hasan Özgünay, Catalina Yılmaz, Hüseyin Karavana, Ali Yorgancıoğlu. PREPARATION OF ALKOXYSILANE FUNCTIONAL WATER SOLUBLE BLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA RAFT POLYMERIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 274-286 (2017).
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