Vineta Vaivade, Ērika Pičukāne
Pages: 29-33
Published: 24 Aug 2017
Views: 1,846
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Abstract: The first step in the work with the new language users is understanding, the second – mastering the basics of the language, acquiring the ability to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or to use short phrases; the third step – formation of the speech when a learner starts answering in short sentences. However, it is most important to develop a positive attitude of all learners taking into account everyone’s individual abilities, life experience and skills as well as to observe/ to consider their age peculiarities. It is important to create a friendly, exciting atmosphere in language teaching, which is based on the previous experience of the learners (for example, songs, food, dances, people’s names etc.).
Keywords: new language learners, illiterate persons, learning to learn, host country
Cite this article: Vineta Vaivade, Ērika Pičukāne. LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY IN THE WORK WITH THE NEW LANGUAGE USERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 11, 29-33 (2017).
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