Savina Brankova, Ekaterina Todorova
Pages: 303-309
Published: 27 Jul 2018
Views: 1,445
Downloads: 269
Abstract: The environmentally sound management of solid waste is an especially topical issue, closely related to the protection of environment and human health. The choice of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for waste treatment lies at the base of circular economy and sustainable development. The aim of this study is to calculate the eco-efficiency of plasma-gasification methods for waste treatment, based on international standard ISO 14045:2012. Through eco-efficiency can be determined the rate of environmental friendliness of plasma-gasification methods, leading to transformation of waste into energy and raw material resources.
Keywords: eco-efficiency, waste treatment, plasma gasification methods, solid waste
Cite this article: Savina Brankova, Ekaterina Todorova. ECO-EFFICIENCY OF PLASMA-GASIFICATION METHODS FOR SOLID WASTE TREATMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 12, 303-309 (2018).
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