Gizela Tóthová
Pages: 173-180
Published: 25 Sep 2018
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Abstract: The present study focuses on Magda Szécsi’s tales that were studied using the content analysis method. I applied the research method of qualitative content analysis, and then I illustrated the types of the functions of primary socialisation and the types of interactions inside and outside the family with examples. The tales in Magda Szécsi’s two books were included in the text corpus to be studied: Madarak aranyhegedűn (Birds on the Golden Violin [1996]) and Az aranyhalas lószem tükre (Mirror of the Horse Eye with the Gold Fish [1988]). Many references to the Roma people’s history (India as their ancient homeland and migration) and culture (such as the Roma language, Romani law, and caravan), intra-family and extra-family relations, crafts, a violin (as an important symbol) and knowledge (as an essential element for subsistence and living a decent life) can be found in these tales.
Keywords: socialisation, romani, literary tales, identity
Cite this article: Gizela Tóthová. THE STUDY OF MAGDA SZÉCSI'S TALES IN THE MIRROR OF PRIMARY SOCIALISATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 12, 173-180 (2018).
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