Zhuo-Yu Cai, Long-Jie Zhang, Kai-Rong Wang, Rong-Jin Zheng, Yue-Rong Liang
Pages: 28-36
Published: 31 Jul 2019
Views: 1,380
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Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) agriculture is a new type of agriculture that widely applies solar power generation to modern agricultural planting, breeding, irrigation, pest control and power supply of agricultural machinery. PV-agriculture system meets the requirements of biological chain relationship and biologically optimal production of raw material-energy system, follows the production rules of agricultural products and innovates material and energy conversion technology so as to achieve the purpose of intelligent light, water and temperature regulation. The agricultural products produced by PV-agriculture system is safer, more nutritious and more productive than the products produced by the traditional way. Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a typical weak light tolerant plant and the best crop for building PV-agriculture system. The advances in PV-tea plantation system studies, including effects of PV on yield, quality, abiotic stress and economic efficiency of tea production are discussed in the present paper.
Keywords: camellia sinensis, tea yield, tea quality, abiotic stress, economic efficiency
Cite this article: Zhuo-Yu Cai, Long-Jie Zhang, Kai-Rong Wang, Rong-Jin Zheng, Yue-Rong Liang. PHOTOVOLTAIC TEA PLANTATION IN CHINA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 28-36 (2019).
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