Milan Šimko, Daniel Bíro, Branislav Gálik, Miroslav Juráček, Michal Rolinec, Ondrej Hanušovský
Pages: 185-190
Published: 31 Jul 2019
Views: 1,027
Downloads: 113
Abstract: In general, grape pomace is known as good source of nutrients with higher antioxidant activity but higher concentration of lignin that can affect the digestion of nutrients. However, there is lack of experiments, that are focused on mineral content of grape pomace. Thus, the aim of the research was to compare the concentration of minerals in Pinot Blanc (Vitis vinifera sp.) pomace from two different localities of Slovakia (Vinohrady nad Váhom and Oponice). In the samples content of macroelements - calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and microelements - copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were examined. In the case of macroelements statistically significant differences in Ca (19.21%; p<0.01), Na (43.78; p<0.01) and K (14.36, p<0.01) were found. Then, large differences was also in the concentration of Fe (29.54%; p<0.01) and Zn (43.35%; p<0.01). From the point of nutritional view are monitored rations between the Ca, P, Mg, K and Na. In this experiment differences in the ratio of Ca:P, Ca:Mg and K:Na were found. In general, it can be concluded that grape pomace is good source of macrolements and microelements - mainly K, Ca and Fe.
Keywords: by-products, grape, macroelements, microelements, analysis
Cite this article: Milan Šimko, Daniel Bíro, Branislav Gálik, Miroslav Juráček, Michal Rolinec, Ondrej Hanušovský. THE EFFECT OF LOCALITY ON THE GRAPE POMACE MINERAL CONTENT FROM THE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS OF SLOVAKIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 185-190 (2019).
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