Gabreial Iordăchescu, Gabriela Ploscuțanu, Eugenia M. Pricop, Octavian Baston, Octavian Barna
Pages: 244-251
Published: 31 Jul 2019
Views: 1,437
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Abstract: It is expected that total food consumption will especially increase in strong economies due to growing world population and changes in consumption habits. This situation increases the pressure on resources and causes negative effects on the environment and health. Reducing losses in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector also contribute to resource efficiency while creating economic opportunities. In addition, policies aimed at reducing post-harvest losses and assessing food waste developed in countries are also causing new markets for secondary raw materials. This study is an important source in terms of showing post-harvest losses in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector, the current situation regarding the assessment of food waste and the training needs of the sector employees. Also, it reveals the causes of food losses in the post-harvest sectors in Romania and the vocational training needs of the sector workers to reduce these losses.
Keywords: postharvest, losses, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, transportation, storage
Cite this article: Gabreial Iordăchescu, Gabriela Ploscuțanu, Eugenia M. Pricop, Octavian Baston, Octavian Barna. POSTHARVEST LOSSES IN TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SECTOR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 244-251 (2019).
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