Ismail Kirbas
Pages: 172-179
Published: 18 Sep 2019
Views: 1,036
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Abstract: With the latest developments in semiconductor technology, accelerometers that can be inserted into the electronic chips have been developed so that movement measurement have become easier and more common. Nowadays, many smart mobile phones are equipped with cheap but powerful accelerometer sensors. The data obtained from such sensors are used to determine the movements in x, y and z coordinates. In the scope of our study, a software has been developed to perform similarity analysis of accelerometer data. Developed software can read signal data from a text file to compare the signals and shows the signal graphics on the computer screen, the signals can be shifted and zooming operations can be performed. The developed interface also computes descriptive statistics for comparable accelerometer signals and calculates signal similarity ratios. After the manipulations, the results of the analysis can be exported to a text or an image file.
Keywords: accelerometer, signal analyse software, mems, sensor data, signal similarity
Cite this article: Ismail Kirbas. DEVELOPING A SIGNAL SIMILARITY ANALYSE SOFTWARE FOR ACCELEROMETER SENSOR DATA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 172-179 (2019).
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