Olcay Polat, Duygu Topaloğlu
Pages: 376-384
Published: 5 Oct 2019
Views: 1,627
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Abstract: Milk and dairy products have been consumed around the world for thousands of years. There are many factors that determine the quality of raw milk. Animal health, seasonal changes, and other circumstances are among the factors that influence the amount and quality of the milk produced. One of the important processes in the milk supply chain is the transportation of raw milk from farms to dairies by tankers under uncertain weather, road, and safety conditions. The problem of milk collection involves the obtaining of raw milk from producers at different locations by multi-compartment tankers. In this paper, we present a novel fuzzy mathematical model for a multi-compartment milk collection problem with split deliveries under uncertainty. The uncertainty in this model is regarding the amount of changeable volume of milk production and service duration time. The model aims to minimize the total duration time by assigning milk to tankers. Results show that uncertainty has a very critical effect on the design of collection networks.
Keywords: milk collection problem, vehicle routing problem, fuzzy optimization
Cite this article: Olcay Polat, Duygu Topaloğlu. MILK COLLECTION NETWORK DESIGN IN A FUZZY ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 13, 376-384 (2019).
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