Dzintra Kazoka, Mara Pilmane
Pages: 255-262
Published: 13 Oct 2019
Views: 1,050
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Abstract: The aim of this work was to study, compare and summarize our experience in combination of innovative and demonstrative 3D elements with classical learning methods in Human Anatomy course. In practical classes 100 students of the 1st study year of the Faculty of Medicine used the virtual dissection Anatomage Table and/or their own prepared anatomical models by 3D printer. 100 students of the 2nd study year used the classical human cadaveric dissections. All participants were asked to discuss about these used teaching methods and complete an anonymous feedback questionnaire. 70% of students were satisfied with the virtual dissection and/or their own prepared anatomical 3D models in group 1, but they liked to highlight the role and necessity of real dissection. Some students were satisfied with the classical learning and teaching of human anatomy when associated it with the use of different 3D elements. 90% of students considered that virtual elements and models were useful in learning the study course outside the practical classes. In group 2 more than 95% of participants indicated that dissections should be regular. There classical learning of anatomical structures obtained better results than only in the innovations supported group. In human anatomy 3D elements together with classical learning methods can motivate students to study the morphological disciplines, increase their interest and the effectiveness of studies.
Keywords: human anatomy, dissection, students, virtual learning
Cite this article: Dzintra Kazoka, Mara Pilmane. COMBINATION OF NEW, INNOVATIVE AND DEMONSTRATIVE 3D ELEMENTS WITH CLASSICAL LEARNING METHODS IN HUMAN ANATOMY COURSE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 255-262 (2019).
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