Angela Bogus
Pages: 169-180
Published: 29 Sep 2021
Views: 661
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Abstract: The present study highlights the need and obligation of the state in ensuring a decent standard of living for its citizens. Needless to say, personal well-being depends directly on the person’s own will and effort and is achieved as a matter of priority through the personal work of each and family itself, but not everyone is able to ensure one’s material well-being and decent living through one’s own work, which is why the state must be involved in order to improve the standard of living of the population, since both the constitutional norm and international norms establish this fact. The obligation in question is also a consequence of the 'new vision of ensuring citizens' rights and freedoms not only through the individual efforts of each state, but also through the collective efforts of the international community'. The standard of living of citizens in the Republic of Moldova is extremely low. Low income levels and increased risks of poverty are caused by limited economic opportunities, and inefficient management of public spending. The income of the population, remains the lowest in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, being about 40% of the average recorded in the countries of the EU.
Keywords: human rights, the right to a decent standard of living, minimum of existence, the disposable income, public expenditure
Cite this article: Angela Bogus. OPTIMIZATION OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE MANAGEMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CONSOLIDATING THE RIGHT TO A DECENT LIVING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 15, 169-180 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002241/
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