Leticia Pekk, Andras Hary
Pages: 420-432
Published: 29 Sep 2021
Views: 486
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Abstract: Research on new technologies have been closely linked to significant technological developments in the 20th century. Technology as an object and concept has thus been known and researched for a long time, so this paper starts from the side of a classical conceptual approach in order to place the topic. Our comprehensive research addresses the effects of new technologies on value creation. As part of this research program, the aim of the present research is to explore state-of-the-art research areas of new technologies, building on the identification of the most researched areas. The technological approach of some of the leading industrial reports is also highlighted. The current paper approaches the process of introducing technologies from this side, as defining the elements built around the most researched topics. As a conclusion of the publication, an application-based technology research map is defined, and a three-level approach is generalized.
Keywords: new technologies, research areas, technology trends, technology introduction
Cite this article: Leticia Pekk, Andras Hary. ELEMENTS OF NEW TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 15, 420-432 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002263/
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