Zita Baužienė, Janina Morkūnienė
Pages: 99-107
Published: 4 Oct 2021
Views: 675
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Abstract: In today’s changing world, each person needs to acquire a variety of skills and abilities that will be useful to improve throughout life. It should be noted that in many cases the readiness of a novice student for mathematics studies is insufficient. The article presents results of the qualitative research on first-year students studying mathematics at Kauno kolegija/UAS. The analysed students’ reflections are discussed, in which semantic findings are distinguished that allow to detect and determine significant factors of successful mathematics studies. The focus is on the development of students’ mathematical literacy, mathematical reasoning, and mathematical competence; the impact of internal and external motivation, the importance of students’ mutual cooperation, the importance of the teacher’s ability to create an inclusive environment as a prerequisite for successful studies. The harmonious interaction of all these factors, can be considered as the premise of fruitful mathematics studies.
Keywords: mathematical reasoning, mathematical skills, mathematics learning problems
Cite this article: Zita Baužienė, Janina Morkūnienė. THE PREMISE OF SUCCESSFUL MATHEMATICS STUDIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 99-107 (2021).
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