Monica Georgescu
Pages: 237-243
Published: 29 Sep 2022
Views: 702
Downloads: 85
Abstract: DreamWorks missions is to “tell stories about dreams and the journeys unconventional heroes take to make them come true” (the DreamWorks Animation LLC n.d.). In other words, it uses its authority and influence to offer its audience an unexpected experience, where beliefs and principles are moulded in order to adapt to the surrounding culture and values. Although there are voices that condemn certain film studios for employing a particular set of features within its narratives that emphasise the stereotypes mass media tried so hard to resolve, one may notice the emergence of movies or fairy tales that display a gradual change or shift from the previous pieces of animated films we have been accustomed to. The DreamWorks’ film Shrek, chosen as corpus for this study, intends to provide a different perspective, a caricature of the traditionally-animated films, all deftly masked by comical, fictional elements.
Keywords: mass media, stereotype, otherness, feminism, non-normative body
Cite this article: Monica Georgescu. A NEW CULTURAL AWARENESS IN DREAMWORKS’ SHREK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 16, 237-243 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002366/
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