Tomáš Bakalár, Henrieta Pavolová, Jana Kottferová, Daniel Jelinek
Pages: 53-63
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 417
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Abstract: Applied ecology concentrates on the ecosystems and their manageability. It is also connected to environmental awareness as judgement of the results of deterioration of the environment. For this reason, it is important to make research on students at different levels, especially young adults – university students. The study concentrates on the Košice Region, in the eastern part of Slovakia. Using Google Forms a questionnaire was delivered to 558 secondary school students from the mentioned region. From the participants 74.9% were female and 25.1% were male students. The most numerous age category was 18-21, the least one was 28 and above. 39.4% were students of medical or pharmaceutical focus, 24.7% were students of technical focus, 16.5 % were students of natural sciences focus, 14.0% were students of humanities focus, 4,7 % were students of economic focus and only 0.7% were students of art focus. All the students are interested in the quality of the environment regardless of the focus of their study. Most students are aware of the state of the environment and consider the quality of the environment in the place of their residence average, good or high. Most students use energy- efficient appliances only a small percentage not, regardless of the focus of their study. About a half of the students are satisfied and a half are dissatisfied with the activities of the local authority in the field of the environment, regardless of the focus of their study. The same applies for the voluntary activities to improve the environment in the place of residence. Most students are aware of the impacts of climate change on the environment.
Keywords: environmental knowledge, applied ecology, university students, questionnaire survey
Cite this article: Tomáš Bakalár, Henrieta Pavolová, Jana Kottferová, Daniel Jelinek. PERCEPTION OF APPLIED ECOLOGY BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 53-63 (2022).
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