Dzintra Kazoka, Mara Pilmane
Pages: 147-157
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 491
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Abstract: In searching for new and fast solutions in response to the Covid-19 period, medical tutors transformed a lot of methods and materials into online formats and digital platforms. A special solution for Human Anatomy remote teaching was found in the organization of practical classes for all groups of students at the same time. Weekly “live” and all semesters demonstrations or Demo classes were started in the study course from 2020. The present study aimed to extract and summarize tutors’ general experience in the implementation of a Demo class in the Human Anatomy course. In the academic years 2020-2022, Zoom and Panopto platforms allowed the tutors to teach Demo classes remotely for the 1st year and the 2nd year students of the Faculty of Medicine. Over 2.5 years, there were organized 252 online anatomical Demo classes. Every Demo class (two academic hours in length) was related to the special anatomical topics and their contents. The data of this study were collected using open-ended questions to find out tutors’ experiences with the implementation of a Demo class in the study course. The answers were coded and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Before every demonstration, most of the tutors studied, how to organize and deliver a class. During online sessions all students received information at the same time and could follow the tutors’ explanations of the topic step by step. At the end of each Demo class, tutors liked to get any feedback from students about the presented content and displayed several questions and answers in the “live” chat. All Demo classes were recorded by tutors and afterward reviewed, optimized, linked, uploaded onto e-studies and accessible to students or other tutors of the study course. This experience gives further development and next transformation of teaching methods in the study course with implemented Demo class.
Keywords: human anatomy, demo class, remote teaching, tutors
Cite this article: Dzintra Kazoka, Mara Pilmane. NEW SOLUTION FOR HUMAN ANATOMY REMOTE TEACHING TO MEDICAL STUDENTS: AN IMPLEMENTATION OF A DEMO CLASS IN STUDY COURSE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 147-157 (2022).
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