Begoña E. Sampedro, Esther M. Vega
Pages: 222-234
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 407
Downloads: 30
Abstract: The core requirement for integrating emerging technologies into the classroom is that teachers must understand them and be capable of incorporating them into their classroom methods. In this paper, we present the initial findings of an R&D/Innovation project entitled "Design, implementation and evaluation of mixed reality materials for learning environments" (PID2019-108933GB-I00), showing the teachers’ beliefs surrounding this technology and how it relates to their classroom methods and students.
Keywords: virtual reality, mixed reality, secondary schools, key competences, classroom methodology
Cite this article: Begoña E. Sampedro, Esther M. Vega. WORKING WITH VIRTUAL AND MIXED REALITY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 222-234 (2022).
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