Anna Báreková
Pages: 267-272
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 386
Downloads: 24
Abstract: According to the OECD (2010), education in developed countries is a priority and the basis of economic growth, on which the well-being of the state also depends. Education reduces unemployment and increases employment in the labor market. It leads to a higher quality of life and reduces criminal activity. Education is the main source of maintaining the competitiveness of the whole society and the main factor is the achievement of prosperity not only for economic but also for social justice. Education brings independence and social stability. The number of young people who want to achieve higher education and thus obtain a degree for these very reasons is constantly increasing. In proportion to the development of science and technology, the demands on schools also increase, and therefore it is necessary to emphasize not only the content, but also the structure, process and methods of teaching. From the point of view of practice, the amount of knowledge and its passive reproduction is not important, but the understanding of the basic principles of individual scientific fields, the ability to combine knowledge, create logical links and conclusions, and creatively approach the solution of specified tasks. The submitted contribution is focused on the creation and implementation of the subject "Green Infrastructure" in the study programs of the field of Landscape Engineering. Green infrastructure is a complex system of natural territories that include terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, elements and areas and systems of greenery in the settlement and in the country. Its importance results from the sustainable use of natural capital and the ecosystem services it provides for society. It is a multifunctional and durable system that offers a range of nature-based solutions to current problems and needs, for example in the fight against climate change and its consequences. Green infrastructure is a well-established concept in European strategies and policies. This article defines green infrastructure from the perspective of landscape planning and landscape architecture. The article deals with green infrastructure in the European Union in terms of the EU Strategy for Green Infrastructure and from the perspective of Natura 2000 and EU policies in the field of regional development, climate change and water management. This article examines the interactions between the concept of green infrastructure, the common agricultural policy and the new forestry strategy. This topic is new and has not yet been systematically implemented in the disciplines taught in the field of study Landscape Engineering.
Keywords: green infrastructure, environment, landscape, natural landscape, landscape reclamation and revitalization, garden and landscape architecture
Cite this article: Anna Báreková. POSSIBILITIES OF USING DIDACTIC AIDS IN THE SUBJECT GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 267-272 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002392/
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