Eva Kralova, Michal Trnka
Pages: 297-303
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 378
Downloads: 26
Abstract: Every day, in the practical life of citizens, but also in the professional sphere, there is usually processing a lot of data that could be lost, damaged, or misused. This could also valid for the electronisation of eHealth in healthcare [Kralova, Kukurova 2013]. Healthcare professionals and eHealth specialists are required to comply with the protection rules of sensitive data. Basic information about data protection should be also provided to medicine students during university study [Kukurova, Kralova, Trnka 2013], [Kralova, Balazsiova 2014]. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to the respondents, students of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava. The knowledge and habits of respondents, students of general and dental medicine in the field of data protection after graduating from secondary school were identified. After the pandemic uproar, distance education in Slovakia was flexible transformed into distance education in all types of schools. In the paper, the authors describe also their experience and benefits of the LMS Moodle e-learning platform, the MS Teams video conference system, the Open Shot system MS Teams, program that allows the creation of teaching videos and the commented Power Point presentations used in the teaching process at the Faculty of Medicine at Comenius University in Bratislava [Trnka 2013].
Keywords: medical student, electronic data protection, knowledge and habits, electronic didactic technologies and resources
Cite this article: Eva Kralova, Michal Trnka. MEDICAL STUDENTS & ELECTRONIC TOOLS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 297-303 (2022).
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