Amalia Enache
Pages: 326-334
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 575
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Abstract: The child is constantly evolving throughout his life, and participation in the education process is a key element in ensuring this development. Experiential learning in preschool children is a current issue, the potential of which would fully ensure their personal training and development. At present, the task of educational institutions is to create an educational environment, whose interactive character would allow the achievement of the objectives of modern education based on the personal involvement of preschoolers in teaching and extracurricular activities. Experiential learning is learning that takes place after reflection on what is being done and is learning through action, through cooperation. The experiential approach to learning allows participants to lead and take responsibility for learning individually through direct discoveries and experiments. The child's main activity is play. Preschoolers are interested in experimentation, exploration, creation, and representation of what they learn through play and construction. Experiential learning is a didactic strategy based on the idea that the maximum profit in learning is obtained by experiencing unique situations and the transfer of knowledge thus obtained to new learning situations. Learning experiences can be positive or negative; the role of the teacher is to ensure/facilitate positive experiences.
Keywords: experience, experimentation, experiential learning, preschool children
Cite this article: Amalia Enache. THE EFFICIENCY OF EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 326-334 (2022).
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