Yehudit Salfati, Asnat Klaiman
Pages: 452-464
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 361
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Abstract: This self-collaborative study is a longitudinal study describing the journey of two pedagogical guides who were the first to lead training in the PDS model and served as critical members. The study examines the training experience, how we perceive it within the model, and ways to promote it. The research tools included: a personal reflection diary of each, documenting the joint conversations and dialogues with the coaching teachers. The study's findings indicated three main periods: the PDS model introduction phase, the implementation phase of the model, and the implementation phase as an integral part of the training for teaching. Also, two key aspects were identified in each period: the challenge of professional development of a professional learning community and the challenge of co-teaching. Despite our initial positions prior to entering the model, we were able to overcome the gap and experience an empowering experience that impacted us professionally as instructors. In this journey, we have moved from adapting to professional growth.
Keywords: pds, pedagogical guide, coaching teachers, co-teaching (teaching in pair), professional development
Cite this article: Yehudit Salfati, Asnat Klaiman. FROM ADAPTATION TO PROFESSIONAL GROWTH - A JOURNEY OF TWO PEDAGOGICAL GUIDES THROUGH THE PDS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 452-464 (2022).
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